Let's (Finally) Do This...
I've had my fair share of hmmmms and hawwwwws.
I've always LOVED art, but wasn't sure if I wanted to turn my favourite hobby into another job. I didn't want to add any more pressure to my crazy life.
I have a day job (marketing).
I have two young kids (a job in itself).
I have two animals (add in more work and mom guilt).
Too many things are in the way of me trying to do more with my art.
I was restructured from my job (good-bye 40 hours/week of stress)
My kids got a little older (9 & 11).
My animals also got older (with my dog happy to only do a walk around the block).
I had the time and energy to do something for me.
Maybe now is the best time to really make my art hobby a real thing. A thing that can feel like a real business.
I know it's going to be hard.
I know that I will question whether I'm any good at this.
I know that if I don't do it, I will always wonder if I could've.
So, here I am. Doing the thing.
Even if I don't become a world famous artist, I'm proud of myself for taking the leap and putting the effort behind something that I love to do.
Follow my learnings, my new art and the ever-changing art style on my Instagram @angelahawkinsart.